Congratulations, and in this video I will paint Big Daddy. I will show you how to do it easily and simply. For starters, who are the Big Daddies - modified people wearing diving suits. There are two types - Rosie and Bouncer. Each of the types is divided into ordinary and elite Big Daddies (which are stronger than ordinary ones). Thunderbirds are armed with a huge drill and can stun Jack for a few seconds to attack. Rosies are armed with nail guns, and throw motion-activated mines at the enemy. Big Daddy's helmet has built-in lights that signal intentions. Yellow headlights: neutral, red - hostile, green - protects Jack. They attack the enemy only if someone threatens the Little Sister. When using a special plasmid, the protagonist is protected until the effect of the plasmid ends or Big Daddy is injured by Jack. In the absence of the Little Sister, they are safe (as long as Big Daddy is not injured), in her presence they can attack the protagonist if he gets too close.