Triton-1M is the name of a class of Soviet miniature diesel-electric submarines. The first installation of this type was launched in 1969 or 1970. A total of approximately 32 ships of this type were built. Under water, the ship developed a speed of up to 6 knots. The design of a new Soviet miniature submarine began in 1968 and soon after led to the creation of a new machine. Triton-1M was able to reach a diving depth of 40 meters, working depth - 32 meters. The unit could lie on the bottom for 10 days and then start up without problems. It was equipped with a magnetic compass, a radio station and a MAR-3 sonar. Units of this type could be transported by both surface and underwater installations. Triton-1M was developed and created mainly for various types of special tasks that require a high degree of stealth.