Assembly model 1/400 oil tankers La Seine and La Saone Twinset Heller 85050 The oil tankers La Seine and La Saône, intended for refueling in France in 1938, were put into dry dock in 1939, but their construction was abruptly halted by the war. Finally entering service in the late 1940s, they were used for a time on the line towards Iraq before being reclaimed by the national marine (French Navy) for their own use. As the technique of refueling at sea had advanced significantly, it was decided to convert them into squadron oil supply ships, this complete overhaul required the installation of gantry cranes for the fuel pipes. With the tests after this modification proved to be convincing and participate in various exercises, even missions in the Pacific Ocean in Force Alpha. This multi-ship mobilization operation was mainly aimed at protecting the French nuclear test sites at Mururoa and Fangataufa and lasted for several years. In the mid-70s, La Seine and La Saône, outclassed by much higher-performing units, left the ranks of the Marine Nationale and soon ceased operations.